TEST SITE - www.wakaama.co.nz

Waka Ama New Zealand (Ngā Kaihoe o Aotearoa) is the National Sporting Organisation (NSO) for waka ama in Aotearoa, New Zealand. Our focus is to grow and develop waka ama throughout Aotearoa to achieve our purpose of more whānau experience well-being, connection, achievement and belonging through the culture of waka ama and our vision of Waka Ama - mā te katoa, mō āke tonu! Waka Ama - for all, for life!

Waka Ama NZ Strategy

The strategy outlines key initiatives and measures that align to our purpose and vision. We look forward to implementing this strategy and further developing and growing waka ama throughout Aotearoa. Waka Ama - mā te katoa, mō āke tonu! Waka Ama - for all, for life!

WANZ Strategy


The Incorporated Societies Act, 1908.

Nga Kaihoe o Aotearoa (Waka Ama New Zealand) Incorporated.

Financial Reports

Waka Ama NZ Audited Financial Statements and Performance Reports

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AGM Minutes

Waka Ama NZ AGM Minutes

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