TEST SITE - www.wakaama.co.nz

Club administration is a vital part of the day to day operations and long term sustainability of clubs. The following provides some baseline information on club administration and how a Waka Ama club operates.

Club Administration

Club administration is a vital part of the day to day operations and long term sustainability of clubs.

Club administration involves various tasks including:

  • General administration
  • Club membership management
  • Financial management
  • Volunteer management
  • Event management
  • Marketing and Comms

Not all of these tasks will be solely the club administrator responsibilities; it is important as volunteers to share the workload of club administration with other committee members to ensure a collaborative and supportive environment. 

Club Rep Role

The Club Representative is the administrative link between the Club and Waka Ama NZ.

The Club Rep is appointed by the club and it is their responsibility to monitor and maintain their clubs Members Area on the Waka Ama NZ website. There can be more than one Club Rep in each club.

Click below for a full list of current Club Reps:

Waka Ama NZ Club Reps

Club Secretary

The Club Secretary manages the club’s administrative procedure. They are the main link between the committee and the club’s members. Usually, the Secretary is the first point of contact an outsider has with the club.

Financial Management

Financial management is managing money received or spent. Doing it well is essential to any Waka Ama Club. Financial management has three basic parts:

  • Planning (on how to raise and spend money)
  • Record keeping (tracking money in and out)
  • Reporting

Good financial management does not rest solely on the treasurer of the club. The committee members must also have input into the financial running of the club. To make the treasurers job easier and ensure the smooth running of the club all paddlers and affiliated members must do their part and keep up to date with membership payments.

It is recommended that your club talk to an accountant or someone with finance experience to get your head around the key concepts. 

Check out our Financial Management page for more information:

Financial Management

For more info check out Community Net & Sport NZ Financial Management information on their websites:

Community Net   Sport NZ

Waka Ama NZ Paddler Affiliation

To be eligible to enter club events, paddlers must be entered into the Waka Ama NZ system and be affiliated to a Waka Ama NZ club. All paddlers affiliated to a Waka Ama NZ Club are required to pay an affiliation fee per season. See the following link for more information on affiliation fees:

Affiliation Fees   Affiliation Benefits

Club Code of Conduct

An important component of maintaining a quality club culture is to set standards of acceptable behaviour. An important tool for defining and communicating acceptable standards of behaviour is a documented Club Code of Conduct.

A Code of Conduct is only worthwhile if it is not only read but understood by everyone within the club, and they support and act within the Code. Waka Ama NZ has a Code of Conduct that applies to all our waka ama whānau and it sets out the standards of conduct and values and is designed to ensure the well-being, health and safety of all paddlers and others involved in our sport. See the following link for the Waka Ama NZ Code of Conduct:

Waka Ama NZ Code of Conduct

Club Membership Form

A club membership form is a quick and easy way to gather relevant information from your club members. This key information is required when entering a new paddler into the Waka Ama NZ system. Each club has their own digital membership form available for use that captures the key information required. This digital form can be found in the Waka Ama NZ Members Area, accessible by your club administrators.

Club Contact Details

The contact details of your club and committee members should be kept up to date. Please email [email protected] if details of your club change so the information provided on the Waka Ama NZ website can be updated. 

A club email account is highly recommended for your club. This way all correspondence for the club goes to one centralised email address, and if or when club administrators change, the club contact remains the same.

All clubs and club contact details are listed on the Waka Ama NZ website. This is the easiest way for paddlers to find and contact a club near them.

Waka Ama NZ Clubs   Waka Ama NZ Club Map