TEST SITE - www.wakaama.co.nz

The following provides information for club administrators on how to add a paddler to the Waka Ama NZ system, how to affiliate a paddler to your club, and how to verify a paddler.

For club events, paddlers must be in the WANZ system and affiliated to a club.
For regional and national events, paddlers must be in the WANZ system, affiliated to a club, and verified.

Key things to remember:
  • When adding a member to your club, always check 'Find Existing Member' first to check if the paddler is already in the system
  • When adding a New Member, fill in the paddler profile accurately; ensure you use their full name according to their Official ID
  • Upload a Profile Photo to the paddler profile (WANZ will be alerted to accept/reject the photo)
  • For verification, upload an Official ID to the paddler profile (WANZ will be alerted to accept/reject the ID)

More information on Profile Photo

Profile Photo

More information on ID Cards

ID Cards

The following steps will support you through this process.

Access to Members Area

1. Go to the wakaama.co.nz website home page and click on Members Area in the top right corner.
2. Log in to the Members Area (only club admins will have a password and login). Email [email protected] if your club admins need to be updated.

Adding a Paddler (Existing or New)

Click on the Members tab and you will see three relevant options for adding a paddler:
  • Find Existing Member (check WANZ system for existing paddler and add them to your club)
  • Membership Form Link (unique membership form to send to new members to fill in)
  • Add New Member (add new member to WANZ system and your club)

Option 1: Find Existing Member 

To add a paddler to your club that already exists in the WANZ system, click Find Existing Member.

  1. Start typing their name, or WANZ ID number, and Click Search
  2. If they exist in the system, their name will appear in the list
  3. Tick the check box next to their name, and then click Add Selected Member
This paddler will now be on your club Members list and you can move on to Affiliating and Verifying them.
Note: If required, upload/update Profile Photo and Official ID for that paddler

Option 2: Membership Link Form

To add a new paddler to your club you can send them your unique Membership Form Link.

  1. Click copy next to you unique Membership Form Link (note each club has a different link)
  2. Send the link to your new member to fill in.
  3. Once they have filled it in and submitted, you will be alerted on the members area end that you have Pending Registrations
  4. Click Review next to the pending registration, check the information is correct
    • Click Accept if the information is correct
    • Click Edit if the information needs updating, then click Accept
    • Click Reject if the information is incorrect, is a duplicate, or if it is not an intended member.

Once you Accept the profile, the paddler will be added to your club and WANZ will be alerted to accept/reject the Profile Photo & Official ID.
This paddler will now be on your club Members list and you can move on to Affiliating and Verifying them.

Option 3: Add New Member

To add a new paddler to your club, click Add New Member.

  • Fill in with all relevant information, make sure to use the info on the Official ID
  • Load a Profile Photo and an Official ID

Once you Save & Accept the profile, the paddler will be added to your club and WANZ will be alerted to accept/reject the Profile Photo & Official ID.
This paddler will now be on your club Members list and you can move on to Affiliating and Verifying them.

Affiliating a Paddler

Affiliating a paddler to your club means they then become a member of your club and you will need to pay their affiliation fee to Waka Ama NZ. Becoming an affiliated paddler means they are able to be entered into club events. Once you have added a paddler to the WANZ system and your club, proceed with affiliating:

  1. Search for the paddler in your Members list via the search bar
  2. Click the three dots to the right of the paddlers name and click Affiliate
The paddler is now affiliated for the season, ending 30 September, and you will be charged for their affiliation fee. You will need to re-affiliate paddlers each season.

Note: Paddlers can be affiliated to more than one club, however only the primary club will be invoiced for their affiliation fee for the season. There is no additional affiliation fee for paddlers that have a secondary club.
  • A small YELLOW STAR with a number 1 will appear next to their name, this means your club is their primary club.
  • If a small BLUE CIRCLE with a number 2 appears, this paddler is already primary affiliated to another club and your club is their secondary club.

Verifying a Paddler

Verifying a paddler means their paddler profile has been checked against an Official ID and are now eligible to be entered into regional and national events. This process exists to ensure fairness and honesty of paddlers paddling in the correct divisions at these events.

Once you have Added paddler to the WANZ system and your club, Affiliated them to your club, you can then get them Verified.

  1. Click Members in the Members Area to see your club members; either scroll or search the relevant paddler
  2. Click on the Paddler Name and you will be taken to their profile.
  3. Here you can upload their Official ID and also their Profile Photo if required. 

WANZ will be alerted to accept/reject the Official ID. Once this is processed, the paddler will Verified.