TEST SITE - www.wakaama.co.nz

This site is owned and operated by Waka Ama New Zealand (Ngā Kaihoe o Aotearoa Incorporated)

The aim of the site is to increase the awareness of Waka Ama in New Zealand and to help keep members and new paddlers informed.

All of the information and pages within this site contain copyright protected materials. None of which may be reproduced without expressed written permission, except for personal use. Any reproduction by any means (print, radio, electronic or otherwise) without the explicit written permission from Waka Ama NZ is strictly prohibited.

Waka Ama NZ, it's staff and any contractors, employees and anyone connected with will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by a visitor to this site through the visitor's reliance on the information found on this site.

Collection of Information
While browsing this website we collect anonymous usage data, such as IP address, URL, access time. This information is used for statistical analysis to help us plan and develop our website and services.
Personal information will only be collected when you sign up for specific services. Where possible the collection of personal information will via SSL encrypted forms.

Storage of Information
All information is downloaded and stored in an off-line location for backup purposes.

Correction of personal information
If you wish to correct any personal information that we have on file please contact us

Disclosure of personal information
Your personal details are kept only for internal use. Your email address and personal details will not be disclosed to third parties for any reason with the following exception; diagnosing faults with the website.

Commercial Email
Our site provides users the opportunity to opt-out of receiving email from us. Every commercial email we send will contain information on how to be removed. This excludes email's where the predominant purpose is that of contractual, operational, or other service related customer notice.

Further Information
If you require further information regarding any of these issues please contact us [email protected]